Friday, 28 June 2013

Trials and ideas for Whole School Information Literacy Programmes

I trialed this programme in one of my primary schools this year and found that even though the idea was ok it was impossible to embed it in the classroom. This was because the teachers could see that the idea was good but the structure was poor. Take a look.
Whole School Information Literacy Programme Primary Schools
The Schools’ Library Service wishes to support the implementation of a Whole School Information Literacy Programme throughout all schools in Guernsey. We wish to do this by:-
Providing and running the programme listed below
To enable this to be a positive and useful programme for all the schools on the Island we need to ensure the following:-
1.      The programme is included in your whole school policy.
2.      Each year group must have the lesson allocated sometime within the school year.
3.      Any lessons that follow on from this lesson needs to use and embed the skills taught.

Reception  30min lesson x1
Introduction to the library. This will include:-
·         What is a library? Fiction and non-fiction books
·         How to behave
·         How to borrow a book using Junior Librarian
·         Library story
·         Application form for the Guille-Allès Library
Yr 1 30min lesson x2
Lesson 1
What is a non-fiction book? This will include:-
·         Content
·         Index
·         Glossary
·         Can they sort out the fiction from the non-fiction
·         Story
Lesson 2
What is a subject index and how to use it? This will include:-
·         Basic introduction to Dewey and class numbers
·         Using the alphabet to find subjects and class numbers
·         Understanding that that there is a number on the spine of a non-fiction book
·         Work sheets (bubbles and snake)
Yr 2  1 hour lesson
Understanding Dewey and using subject indexes to find books. This will include:-
·         Reading the Melvil Dewey story which explains why we have a classification system
·         Using the subject indexes to find resources in the library (tailored into a subject area)
·         Work sheet (bubbles and question sheet)
Lesson 2
Collecting and organising Data – using the Red House Book Awards
·         Read shortlist
·         Organise a vote
·         Collect data using a bar gate so the teacher can then use this to demonstrate collecting and organising data with some real data rather than something made up. 
Yr 3 1 hour lesson
Understanding Britannica-online. This will include:-
·         Finding information from a different source using Britannica-online which will link into curriculum topic
·         Exploring Britannica and looking at its multi media
·         Explain the need to reference where the information came from and show how to use Britannica to help.
How to Use Junior Librarian. This will include:-
·         How to use ‘circulate’ to issue and return books
·         How to use ‘my books’ to find out what you have on loan
·         How to use ‘enquiry’ to search for books.
·         Worksheets tailored to search for books on topic within the curriculum
Yr 4 1 hour lesson
Keywords for research and bibliographies. This will include:-
·         Keywords and why they are important. Lesson linked to lesson topic.
·         Use of keywords within subject index, indexes of books and within Junior librarian.
·         Basic writing of a bibliography including Author, title, class number.
·         Worksheets tailored to class topic which will ensure that the use of Keywords and a basic bibliography is produced.#
How to Use Junior Librarian. This will include:-
·         How to use ‘circulate’ to issue and return books
·         How to use ‘my books’ to find out what you have on loan
·         How to use ‘enquiry’ to search for books.
·         Worksheets tailored to search for books on topic within the curriculum

Yr 5 1 hour lesson
Keywords for research and bibliographies. This will include
·         Keywords and why they are important. Lesson linked to topic
·         Use of keywords within subject index, indexes of books and within Junior Librarian.
·         Advanced writing of a bibliography including author, title, date, publisher , place.
·         How to reference a website.
·         Reserach tailored to class topic which will ensure that the use of keywords and an advanced bibliography is produced.
Yr 6 1 hour lesson
Internet searching. This will include:-
·         Looking at bias
·         Recommended websites and how to evaluate
·         Wikipedia
·         Looking at current information e.g. daily newspapers, current magazines.
·         Revisit advanced writing of a bibliography including author, title, date, publisher, place. How to reference a website.
·         Revisit ‘How to Research’ tailored to class topic which will ensure that the use of keywords and an advanced bibliography is produced
NB All year groups can visit the Guille-Allès Library as an extension of research skills. 

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